🧐 Serimax HSE mantra is to keep it simple, identify risks and implement immediate actions :
💯 By focusing on back to basics, we keep the message simple and repeat, repeat, repeat to ensure that our employees have our rules, requirements, and expectations at the forefront.
💯 By making sure that our ‘toolkit’ is easily understood, operationally implemented, accessible and used.
💯 By reinforcing a positive and cohesive safety culture through strong leadership, at all levels.
💪 On an annual basis Serimax manage on average, 70 projects across 26 different geographic locations. This includes operating in some of the most high-risk environments and security of our personnel is paramount. We implement full pre-project security assessments and incorporate personnel tracking and security as standard. The safety of our teams comes first.
👏 A huge thanks to HSEQS teams and to all personnel for their continued vigilance and efforts… let’s continue promoting and creating a positive health and safety culture !