A story of inclusion, talent and gastronomy.


Who’s hungry? We are!


For welding, for technology, for projects and so much more…


But what you might not know is that Serimax also has a hunger for inclusion, and we are pleased to share with you that we are part of the association ERE (Entreprendre en Retz Ensemble) which, with the APEI des 2 Vallées, promotes the inclusion of workers with disabilities. The APEI (association of parents of children with disabilities) & the students of the Vaumoise professional high school, enabled us to enjoy an event which sprung from the gastronomic workshop project “La Table d’Inclusion” which is recognized by the community of communes Retz in Valois to promote the “Year of French Gastronomy”.

Indeed, the task force made up of students, disabled workers and led by the restaurant’s chef “La Tulipe” took service to prepare delicious dishes and desserts for us! Benefitting from the charities’ services, everyone enjoyed a day of inclusion, talent, and gastronomy.

It was great to see that the skills acquired by those with a disability, permitted everything to run smoothly and prove to be a real paving stone in their education and professional inclusion.  

To read this article in French please click here

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