A project in Norway is being developed approximately 185 km west of Haugesund on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) in the North Sea and TechnipFMC was contracted for pipe-laying and subsea installation at the field in June 2020. Serimax was then mobilised in Jan 2021 in order to guarantee pipe-end measurements (using CleverScan) and tagging using Vallourec’s Smartengo ValID and Fit-Up services using the Smartengo App. Smartengo is a digital solution for traceability, fit-up and pipeline construction. The best fit is an innovative digital solution to optimize your pipe fit up operations with no time lost to match pipe ends. Once CleverScan has been used in conjunction with the Smartengo app, the pipes are marked, then as soon as the pipes are on the firing line just simply rotate the pipe (where needed) and bingo, your pipes are aligned and ready to weld. The pipes in question are 12” and 14” clad and a major challenge for the teams was the cold weather and temperatures as low as -15°C were seen; the equipment was smart, digital, robust and, resisted to stringent conditions meaning that scope requested was delivered successfully and on time.